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Australian grower wins extended French government tender

Little Green Pharma has been re-appointed as a primary supplier of its 1:20 THC:CBD medicinal cannabis oil to the extended French national medicinal cannabis trial in partnership with leading French pharmaceutical distributor Intsel Chimos and its manufacturing partner, Centre Lab. 

The Trial has already shown consistently beneficial clinical outcomes over its first two years, with 91% of the current 1,453 patients reporting positive results and various expert reports on the Trial interim results all providing positive feedback. To date, the Company has supplied its 1:20 THC:CBD and CBD50 oils to patients in the Trial, and as the majority supplier of the Trial during this period, the Company has become a well-recognized supplier in the French market and has a strong relationship with French pharmaceutical regulators.

Following the Trial’s initial success, in September 2022, the French government announced it proposed to extend the Trial for a third year until March 2024.2 The terms of the extended Trial tender are substantially similar to the original Trial terms3 save that the suppliers will now also be compensated with €14 per unit during the extended period. The Company also tendered and has also been awarded on the basis that its total supply obligation is capped at ~11,000 units.

The Trial is conducted across France, and LGP is the only supplier to have provided both ratios of CBD dominant products, with 85% of the 3,000 Trial patients having started their Trial with an LGP product and with participating prescribers trained specifically in prescribing LGP products.

As the majority supplier to the Trial to date, LGP’s continued participation allows the Company to capitalize on its historic investment while cementing its reputation among French regulators, prescribers, and patients as a longstanding and trusted supplier of medicinal cannabis products, as well as providing access to the supply and dispensing pathways in France.

LGP’s role as an ongoing supplier to the Trial will also consolidate the Company’s significant first-mover advantage in a future French medicinal cannabis market, as well as give the Company unique insight and influence over the development of a future medicinal cannabis statutory and economic framework in France, including its reimbursement status.

The resulting Trial study will comprise one of the largest European data collections on cannabis, with the success of the Trial already generating calls by patient associations for the legalization of medicinal cannabis as soon as possible.

LGP’s partners in the Trial comprise Intsel Chimos, a French pharmaceutical company and recognized hospital distributor with a track record of more than 50 years in the space and specializing in the importation and distribution of medicines (including narcotics) to French hospitals and dispensaries, and Centre Lab, a pharmaceutical manufacturer who works closely with Intsel Chimos in France. Under the Partnership, LGP will manufacture and supply its medicines into France while Intsel Chimos and Centre Lab will undertake batch-release, distribution, medical information, and pharmacovigilance obligations to the Trial. LGP believes working with a longstanding local French distributor provides the Partnership with unique insights into the French pharmaceutical market. The Partnership will also share the costs of manufacturing the extended Trial product equally between them.

For more information:
Little Green Pharma
[email protected]

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