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"We're advocating for better, stronger standards across the industry"

Green Compass headed to Washington D.C. to lobby in support of legislation to advance regulation within the hemp industry. Founders Meredith and Sterling Cook joined the U.S. Hemp Roundtable (USHR), a bipartisan coalition of leading companies and organizations that advocates for science-driven, equitable, and inclusive law and regulation for hemp industries. Green Compass joined the USHR Board of Directors earlier this year.

Regulatory developments have impacted the industry in a myriad of ways, with quality, safety, and other consumer protection concerns being the most significant to Green Compass.  

The Cooks met with members of Congress to advocate for the Regulate CBD Now campaign and platform, which was launched by USHR and its supporters in June 2021. The focuses of this campaign are the following legislative vehicles: Hemp and Hemp-Derived CBD Consumer Protection and Market Stabilization Act, Hemp Access and Consumer Safety Act, and CBD Product Safety and Standardization Act. These bills would establish a regulatory framework to ensure that products containing CBD and other non-intoxicating hemp ingredients can be lawfully marketed. In addition, they would require CBD products and hemp extract product manufacturers to comply with existing regulatory frameworks to deem all CBD products as safe, properly labeled, and prepared utilizing Good Manufacturing Practices. 

Meredith Cook, president of Green Compass shared, “We are excited to participate in the democratic process and advocate for better, stronger standards across the industry, which would ensure that all hemp-based products in the marketplace are clean and safe. These advocacy efforts here in D.C. — alongside our passionate peers — are important not only to Sterling and me, but also to the thousands of dedicated Green Compass Advocates who educate their communities on the power of hemp and sell our products.”

The visit included bipartisan meetings in both the House and Senate. Green Compass joins other industry leaders in these efforts. 

For more information:
Green Gompass 

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