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New generation Mycotal released

Used for the biocontrol of whitefly and a number of other pests, Koppert has announced that recent production enhancements have made its biological insecticide, Mycotal, more effective and increased the product’s shelf life.

Mycotal is an entomopathogenic fungus that acts as a natural solution for a range of pests in vegetables, ornamentals, nursery trees and soft fruit in protected cultivation. The bio-insecticide contains the blastospores of Lecanicillium muscarium Ve6. These spores germinate rapidly after spraying, with the hyphae penetrating the pest’s body cavity. Once inside, they proliferate and destroy the tissue.
Continuous improvement
A process of continuous improvement by Koppert’s dedicated research team recently resulted in optimizing its microbiological product range and production processes to ensure that growers continue to benefit from the highest quality and best performing biological crop protection solutions.

Better quality and shelf life
The improved production process has led to a higher efficacy of Mycotal and increased shelf life. Koppert’s Product Manager, Guido Roozemond: ‘The production improvements have clearly resulted in better product performance in different crops and countries.

Comparative field trials have validated that the new generation Mycotal gives a similar or better efficacy when compared to other chemical or biological plant protection products in the market. ‘Koppert’s exploration for new potential targets for Mycotal, both in the laboratory and in the field, holds a great deal of potential for combatting other pests,’ says Roozemond. ‘We hope to identify further pests and target crops that will benefit from the application of Mycotal in the coming years.’

The new generation Mycotal is now available in all countries where the product is registered.

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