Seven applications by associations who wish to acquire a license to cultivate and distribute cannabis have been submitted to the Authority for the Responsible Use of Cannabis (ARUC) since 28 February, with 11 names reserved for the associations and several others preparing their applications, Parliamentary Secretary for Reforms Rebecca Buttigieg said Thursday.
In a press briefing, Buttigieg, as well as Chairman of the ARUC, gave further details on the changes made to the regulatory framework of the Authority upon listening to feedback from applicants. Buttigieg also said that Malta will serve as leaders in the sector, as it will have meetings with foreign countries who want to implement the same flexible regulatory framework for the use of cannabis in Malta.
“The process is moving along very well,” Buttigieg said, adding that there is interest and feedback from prospective founders is positive, which led to some changes on certain technical standards and the process of licensing implemented by the Authority.
McKay said that the Authority has built up an extensive team, one of which will be responsible for the licensing of the cannabis association, as well as another person who heads the compliance and enforcement department, putting emphasis on the human resources in the Authority.