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US: CanBreed introduces diagnostic kit for genetic plant identify verification

CanBreed announced the development of a one-step diagnostic kit that enables the clear distinction between different types of cannabis plants, changing the identification process for clones, flowers, and mother plants.

Traditionally, the absence of assurance tools has hindered the efforts of industry stakeholders to maintain consistency and eliminate human errors during the early stages of cannabis production. Recognizing the need for a  solution, CanBreed created this kit for internal use in their F1 Hybrid breeding program. Now, they are extending the offer to other industry participants and growers, providing them with the means to verify genetic consistency and make necessary adjustments if discrepancies are identified.

CanBreed’s early adopters of the kit, including growers from Israel and the USA, have expressed their satisfaction with the results attained from using the kit. Ido Komeraz, COO of Greenkom Ltd, a veteran Cannabis grower in central Israel who is using the product has provided his satisfaction with the product: "I am confident in the genetics I possess, but having a scientific tool to ensure accuracy and prevent errors during the cloning process is invaluable. As providers of Cannabis genetics to other growers, CanBreed understands the importance of utilizing quality assurance tools to maintain the highest standards in the industry."

The technology
The core technology behind this kit lies in its utilization of molecular markers, a fundamental tool in ensuring quality assurance and uniformity in the vegetable seeds industry. While this practice has been commonplace in other agricultural sectors, it is only now being introduced to the cannabis industry by CanBreed. Through the implementation of the state-of-the-art diagnostic method known as TAQMAN, growers can improve their quality assurance processes and eliminate errors in the early stages of cannabis production.

One of the key advantages of this diagnostic kit is its use of a unique DNA preservation method. By utilizing specially designed paper, the kit enables the long-term preservation of DNA samples without the need for plant material. This allows growers to easily send DNA samples overseas for testing without the risk of degradation or contamination. The process is simple: growers only need to smudge a leaf from the original plant and another leaf from a suspicious plant onto the paper provided in the kit. The samples can then be mailed to CanBreed's laboratory for analysis.

With the introduction of this one-step diagnostic kit, CanBreed aims to set a new industry standard for genetic plant identity verification in the cannabis sector. Their commitment to advancing the field through scientific innovation and collaboration positions them as pioneers in the quest for consistency and uniformity.

For more information
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