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South African producer SafriCanna:

"We save energy and improve our yield using dehumidification"

SafriCanna is an EU-GMP-certified cannabis producer based in South Africa. The company caters to the premium cannabis market, exporting their product around the world. “We take the most pride in our product and ensure our environment is extremely clean and pest free,” says master grower Chad S. in a recent video interview.

In order to operate under EU-GMP certification, SafriCanna must adhere to strict regulations surrounding quality. That includes maintaining a mold-free environment.

Humidity leads to molds and excessive energy costs
“We had issues with humidity at the beginning of our operation. Due to the size of our flower rooms, and the amount of plants we have, there’s an excess in the amount of moisture evaporated from the plants. If you can’t reduce humidity in the evening, you’ll have mold outbreaks, such as powdery mildew,” Chad says. “This also led us to waste a lot of money on energy by heating the room while ventilating.”

In order to combat these issues, SafriCanna have recently invested in 2 additional DryGair DG-12 units, following the success of their first 4 a year and a half ago. The company already plans to integrate additional DG dehumidifiers in their upcoming facility expansion.

DryGair’s dehumidification systems are popular in commercial cannabis production facilities around the world and are known to provide efficient humidity control and mold prevention, which is crucial for GMP certification.

Solving mold problems using DryGair
“When using DryGair, we ensure the room is as sealed as it can be. We close our different layers of screens and turn off the ventilation fans. We then set the DryGair setpoints and let it take care of the climate in the room.” Chad explains. “We also use them during the day sometimes, when it’s cloudy, and we aren’t able to ventilate effectively. The DG units are able to bring the humidity down to the level we need it to be.”

“Since using DryGair, we’ve seen amazing improvements to our product quality and yield. We’ve been able to reduce the number of molds. At the end of the day, we extract a lot more flowers from the rooms than we used to.”

“DryGair saves us around 50% on heating costs”
Master grower, Chad S., mentions the high energy costs of heating and ventilating and how DryGair helps reduce these costs. 

“Prior to DryGair, we spent a lot of money and energy reducing humidity by heating and ventilating. Since we’ve been using DryGair, we’ve been able to reduce our energy costs by about 50%. We don’t have to use the heating system as often as we used to, and we’re ventilating the room a lot less.”

Experience with other dehumidifiers
“I’ve worked with different dehumidifiers in the past, ranging from top-of-the-line brands to the bottom of the line. We’re currently experiencing issues in our other room with other dehumidifiers that create too much heat and consume too much energy.” Chad mentions.

“DryGair makes it really simple. All you have to do is put your set points in, and the DryGair will do the rest.”

DryGair will be presenting their solution for humidity control and energy savings at the upcoming GreenTech in Amsterdam and Cultivate in Ohio.

For more information:
DryGair Energies 
8 Hamanofim St, Herzliya
Tel.: +972-9-7730989 

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