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US (AL): Denied businesses want answers from Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission

With Alabama’s medical cannabis process on pause, those businesses which were denied licenses want answers.

Urologist Dr. Brian Stone is one of the many applicants who were denied a medical cannabis business license.

“At this point, our concern, because a lot of us are connected, and we know, individuals related to the process and around the process, is that the process was not done fairly,” said Stone.

“We knew what the criteria was, and we want to know how the application was processed, the thresholds that you had to exceed to actually be considered,” said Antoine Mordican, the Alabama State Director of Minorities for Medical Marijuana.

In an emergency meeting, the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission voted to put the business license process on pause. The group says it was because of potential inconsistencies in the scoring of applications. One that we found is a lack of minority-owned businesses being awarded licenses.


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