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DCC awards more than $4 million in grants to expand access to licensed cannabis retail

To provide improved access to licensed retail cannabis for the state’s existing cannabis users, the Department of Cannabis Control is awarding 18 local jurisdictions with over $4 million in grants.

Included in the Phase 1 Local Jurisdiction Retail Access Grants (LJRAG) awards are 14 equity grants that were awarded to jurisdictions that want to issue of licenses to operators who have been negatively or disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition.

To learn more about the jurisdictions awarded grants, please visit: California Department of Cannabis Control announces funding to 18 local jurisdictions to expand access to licensed cannabis retail in first of its kind program - Department of Cannabis Control

The awarded grants will support the issuing of cannabis retail licenses at the local level, an important component of California’s dual licensing structure. Expanded access to legal retail cannabis supports the legal market while discouraging the illegal cannabis marketplace.

In Phase II of this grant, eligible local jurisdictions will be able to apply for additional funding based on the number of cannabis retail licenses they have issued.

For more information on LJRAG, please visit:

For more information:
The Department of Cannabis Control California

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