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Germany: Final hours of ICBC Berlin

After the first day of meetings and presentations has come and gone, the second and final day of ICBC Berlin is now in its final hours. From growers to technical suppliers and companies focused on packaging and retail, there was a wide array of companies exhibiting at the event. Even though the cannabis market is currently challenging, the event was a great way to show off products and solutions to international attendees. After the two days, exhibitors seemed happy with the interest they received at the show. While things moved a bit slowly in the mornings, attendance definitely picked up in the afternoons.

Tony Pavlakis and Mikhail Sagal of TSRgrow. The company will be supplying one of the cannabis growers in the Dutch cannabis experiment with lights.

Zanur Krol, Luc Krol, and Damian Nixon of Paradise Phytogenetics/Paradise Seeds. The company is excited to be the genetics partner for Delphy's new research center and platform: MCPIR.

Tobias Viegener and Philipp Hagenbach of Cannavigia.

Harry van Duijne, Jesse de Bree, and Arie Kamp of urban-gro.

Stay tuned for our photo report on Monday!