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US (SD): Medical cannabis cards surpass 11,500, double what the state expected

More than 11,500 South Dakotans hold medical cannabis cards two years after medical cannabis became legal in South Dakota.

That’s well ahead of projections made by the state when the program first started in 2021, said Jennifer Seale, the state Department of Health’s medical cannabis program administrator. The state began issuing cards in November 2021 after South Dakotans voted to legalize medical cannabis in 2020.

Originally, the state had anticipated 6,000 cardholders by 2024, Seale told members of the Medical Marijuana Oversight Committee in Pierre on Monday. The committee is made up of legislators and other appointees who review the state-run medical cannabis program and make recommendations to improve it.

“We’ve doubled the amount that we were projecting to see in three years within two years,” Seale said.

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