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US (AL): Medical Cannabis Commission licensing pause to continue until hearing next week

Delays continue for medical cannabis in Alabama.

Montgomery County Circuit Court Judge James Anderson extended a temporary restraining order on licensing and delayed a hearing on the Open Meetings Act Violation that was alleged by one of the companies denied a license.

Attorneys for the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission said the commission will vote to stay the licensing process at their meeting. That would be on top of the court-ordered stay already in place. They’ll then discuss how to move forward with awarding licenses for what would be the third time.

Lawyers for the company Alabama Always say they’re encouraged by a third round of awards, done in the open.

“The way that government in our country should work is that people should be given notice of what the government is doing and an opportunity to participate and respond. That’s it. I’m hopeful that the process is heading in that direction,” Somerville said.


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