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US (MO): Company sues Missouri cannabis manufacturer after product recall

An Arkansas company, in a recently filed lawsuit, has accused a Missouri cannabis products maker of a conspiracy to sell it cannabis that could not be used in Missouri. Dark Horse Medicinals Missouri LLC, based in Little Rock, Arkansas, sued the company Delta Extraction and others on August 21 in Shelby County Circuit Court in northeast Missouri — a week after Missouri regulators recalled thousands of products tied to Delta.

The lawsuit adds to ongoing legal battles for Delta, which was already trying to reverse its license suspension at the Administrative Hearing Commission and is asking a Cole County judge to overturn the product recall.

In recalling Delta products earlier this month, the state said they could not verify whether the recalled products came from Missouri-grown cannabis and passed state testing.

Delta has argued that the use of out-of-state hemp products had been allowed under previous state regulations; the state has said it was not allowed and that current regulations clarify that.


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