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US (OH): 3 Ohio business groups oppose ballot proposal to legalize recreational cannabis

Three of Ohio’s largest business organizations are asking Ohioans to vote no on Issue 2, citing fears that recreational cannabis could lead to more workplace injuries and make the current labor shortage worse. But proponents of legalization say those fears are unfounded.

It’s a complex issue that draws many comparisons to another drug that’s already legal — alcohol. Both advocates for legalization, and groups that oppose it cite scientific studies that they say prove their points. But many people concede that the available research is “messy and inconclusive.”

“Taking any of these studies as gospel is problematic because these are moving targets that we’re trying to assess,” said Doug Berman, executive director of the Drug Enforcement and Policy Center and Ohio State University. Issue 2 is a proposed law on November’s ballot that would legalize recreational cannabis for Ohioans aged 21 and older. It’s backed by the Coalition to Regulate Marijuana like Alcohol.

Cannabis is currently legal in Ohio for only medical purposes. Businesses can still prohibit workers from using cannabis, which would not change even if Issue 2 passes.


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