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US (AK): State moves to restrict cannabis-like diet products derived from hemp

The state of Alaska has approved new regulations on inexpensive cannabis-like products derived from hemp, sometimes referred to as “diet weed.” The new changes mean intoxicating hemp-derived products will have to be regulated by the state’s cannabis control board, an act that will see them removed from vape shops and other unregulated stores across the state.

Some nonintoxicating products will also be affected by the changes. So-called “full-spectrum” hemp products intended to help with epilepsy and pain include a variety of cannabinoids, including some now restricted by the state’s industrial hemp program. Manufacturers will have to either extract and combine specific chemicals in isolation or seek approval through the cannabis regulatory process, adding time and expense.

The new regulations were signed by Lt. Gov. Nancy Dahlstrom on Tuesday and will take effect Nov. 3. Members of the state’s legal cannabis industry championed the changes and said they will close a safety loophole that allowed intoxicating, cannabis-like drugs to be sold to underage Alaskans and without the taxes applied to cannabis.

“If you want intoxicating cannabinoids, you should visit your local friendly cannabis retailer,” said Brandon Emmett, co-chair of Gov.


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