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Ukraine: Lawmakers approve MMJ legalization bill

A bill to legalize medical cannabis in Ukraine has cleared a key legislative hurdle, advancing through a committee, and is now awaiting final passage by the country’s parliament.

After receiving initial consideration in July, the cannabis legislation was finalized and approved by the National Health, Medical Care and Health Insurance Committee. It is now expected to receive final approval in the unicameral legislature, known as the Verkhovna Rada, before potentially going to the president.

The bill would create a national medical cannabis program to provide access to patients with conditions such as cancer or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) resulting from war—a proposed reform that comes as Ukraine continues to experience violent conflict after Russia invaded the country last year.

Ukrainian MP Olga Stefanyshyna said in a Facebook post on Tuesday that nearly 1,000 amendments were offered before the committee agreed to refer the legislation to a second and final reading in the parliament. “We did everything [so that] patients could get their medicine as soon as possible,” she said, according to a translation. “So far, medical cannabis has not entered in the history of Ukraine. Waiting for the 2nd reading, we believe it will work this time!”


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