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Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission tries to fix stalled license process

The Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission on Thursday approved changes to its rules for awarding business licenses, a process stalled for four months by mistakes and lawsuits.

A key change in the new rules is that business applicants will be allowed to make public presentations to the AMCC before it tries to award licenses for a third time.

AMCC Chairman Rex Vaughn said the changes, approved as an emergency rule during a meeting at the Alabama State House, came in response to claims made by applicants in their lawsuits.

“They have made some legitimate complaints against the commission that we need to address,” Vaughn said. “And we’re going to address them. We’re going to give them their day with a public hearing and a presentation to accommodate every one of them that wants to come talk to us.”

Vaughn said the changes give the AMCC a chance to award licenses by December. “Our goal is to have a victory lap by the end of the year,” Vaughn said. “So we’ll see how that goes.”

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