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AU: Green Farmers to deploy manufacturing software at second greenhouse

Green Farmers is deploying Elevated Signals' manufacturing software at its second greenhouse in New South Wales, gearing up for production in 2024. This move follows the success of Elevated Signals at Green Farmers’ primary Victoria facility, where it transformed operations by digitizing and optimizing inventory, quality, compliance and data management.

Elevated Signals transitions cannabis producers from spreadsheets, paper, and outdated software to a centralized digital platform. "Its GMP-validated system enhances supply chain visibility, operational productivity, and yield optimization, driving higher profitability," the Green Farmers team says. "We are saving $165k in labour costs per year: With Elevated Signals, We have seen a substantial decrease in administrative hours, particularly in paperwork and data entry tasks. On top of that, this software is also easy to scale: Elevated Signals' adaptability has been instrumental in seamlessly supporting our growth and scalability. Additionally, one of the main features certainly is that the software addresses complex workflows: The software proficiently manages our diverse client requirements by tailoring intricate workflows."

Matthew Turner, CFO of Green Farmers, commented: "In order to scale our business effectively to meet demand, having our operational processes dialled in was imperative. Elevated Signals provided the tailored and dynamic solution we needed, and has become an indispensable tool in our growth journey."

Amar Singh, CEO of Elevated Signals, added: "Our ongoing expansion in Australia reflects our commitment to bringing unparalleled digital transformation to the cannabis industry globally. Partnering with industry leaders like Green Farmers affirms the impact of our platform and our vision for a data-driven, efficient future for cannabis producers.

For more information:
Green Farmers
[email protected]

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