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US (NJ): Growing cannabis in New Jersey? Not as easy as you may think

A major decision when starting a cannabis cultivation operation in New Jersey is what type of facility to build. To start, you may want to eliminate outdoor cultivation as municipalities routinely shun this option because of odor and security concerns. While the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory Commission, the government agency that oversees all things cannabis in the state, has said it supports outdoor cultivation, not a single outdoor facility has opened since the market opened in 2022.

Veda Farms in Blairstown will buck this trend and open soon. It was awarded a license to grow up to 3.4 acres of cannabis on its 254-acre farm in northern New Jersey. “Growing outdoors in full sun and living soil allows them to embrace the nature of the plant and help bring a diverse offering of flower products to the New Jersey market,” said Spencer Belz, owner of Last Mile Consulting, who works with Veda Farms.

Although Veda Farms will be growing cannabis outdoors, they built an indoor processing facility. Describing this process, Belz advised, “Be prepared for delays, speed bumps, and additional expenses. More than anything, expect things to never go as planned. The quicker you can adapt and pivot, the easier it will be to continue moving forward.”


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