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"The lights reduced our vegetative cycle by nearly 20%"

Signify recently installed Philips GreenPower LED toplighting linear at long-time cannabis cultivator L.A. Family Farms in Los Angeles, California, where the use of the LED has successfully reduced their vegetative cycle by nearly 20%, from 16-18 days to 12-13 days.

L.A. Family Farms noted several improvements, including tighter internode spacing, more consistent branching, and enhanced root development. These improvements did not only improve efficiency but also reduce overhead costs by utilizing less water in the growing cycle and running light for shorter durations. "We were typically vegging anywhere from 16-18 days, now we are vegging anywhere from 12-13 days," said L.A. Family Farms' head grower and co-owner.

Fine-tuning the installation
L.A. Family Farms installed the Philips toplighting linear in an efficient white spectrum with optimal light distribution in their veg room. The white spectrum allows a normalized color rendering index (CRI) for workers to do proper pest scouting and crop inspection.

In their vegetative room, the LED installation is connected to the Philips GrowWise Control System, which provides flexibility to adjust light intensity throughout the day and as the plants cycle through the vegetative phase. In the beginning of the vegetative phase, the plants require less light intensity than in the later stage, the GrowWise Control System allows for that with the dimming configuration.

Kenneth Turrentine, Commercial Leader USA for Philips Horticulture LED Solutions, said, "From L.A. Family Farms, we can see the advantage of using efficient white spectrum. The plants are more compact and grow in shorter periods, making them a strong starting point in the vegetative phase."

A beneficial partnership
In 2019, L.A. Family Farms built their new indoor facility, which became completely operational in 2020. Recognizing what will be the eventual obsolescence of HPS lighting as a horticulture lighting option, the management team began exploring the transition to LED lighting, first engaging with the Philips LED team in 2019.

One of several reasons L.A. Family Farms chose Philips LED lighting is the support provided by the Philips Horticulture team as the facility began the process of trialing LEDs. L.A. Family Farms' head grower and co-owner commented, "The service is great. The team checks on us, they ask us how we're doing, and I know if we had issues, they would do whatever they could to solve them. The company is dedicated to making us successful using their product." He went on to say, "We're not a corporate company. We're a family-owned, grassroots company, and relationship is everything for us."

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