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A day at Shimadzu Europe HQ:

Germany: Exploring the future of cannabis and analytical innovations

On October 31, an event unfolded at the Shimadzu Europe headquarters in Duisburg. The Cultivation for Compounds event, hosted with great enthusiasm, provided a platform for knowledge sharing and networking in the cannabis industry. The day was replete with presentations, factory tours, and engaging discussions, leaving attendees with a wealth of insights and inspiration.

The event commenced with a series of presentations that showcased the impressive history and ongoing business endeavors of Shimadzu. Attendees were given a glimpse into the journey of this company, renowned for its analytical instruments and technologies that span various industries.

One of the highlights of the day was the tour of the Shimadzu Factory World, where participants had the opportunity to witness manufacturing processes and the development of analytical equipment. This immersive experience allowed attendees to gain a deeper understanding of the technology that underpins Shimadzu's success.

Natalia Lopez from Big Leaf Consultants and Thaistick took the stage to shed light on the cannabis industry in the Kingdom of Thailand. Their presentation highlighted the evolving regulatory landscape and growing opportunities in the Thai cannabis market. This segment sparked insightful discussions about the global expansion of the cannabis industry.

The day reached its pinnacle with a round table discussion on the pharmaceutical future of cannabis, led by Rainer Krueger from J&K Consulting. The conversation delved into the potential applications of cannabis in the medical field and explored the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. Attendees left the discussion with a fresh perspective on the evolving role of cannabis in healthcare.

As the event drew to a close, attendees gathered for a relaxed social session featuring local beers, fostering further discussions and networking opportunities. The event provided a fertile ground for cultivating new ideas and connections within the cannabis industry.

According to the organizers, the Cultivation for Compounds event at Shimadzu Europe headquarters was a resounding success, offering attendees a comprehensive view of the cannabis industry's past, present, and future. "The day was marked by insightful presentations, technological exploration, and dynamic discussions, leaving participants inspired and informed. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Shimadzu for their warm hospitality, and we eagerly anticipate the next knowledge event scheduled for January 25."

For more information:
Cultivation for Compounds

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