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Legalization vote delayed in Germany

A long-awaited adult-use cannabis legalization vote was initially scheduled for this week in Germany, however, the vote was delayed until at least December. This likely means that German adult-use reform will not be achieved until next year.

The measure that is currently being considered by members of the Bundestag was largely championed by German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach. In its current form, the measure would permit the personal cultivation, possession, and consumption of cannabis by adults, as well as the eventual launch of noncommercial cannabis clubs.

Several lawmakers in Germany have expressed frustration with some of the provisions that are currently included in the legalization measure, as well as expressed frustration with how long the political process is taking.

Translated from German to English, the social media post states, “The CannG will be decided in December. This means that we are not keeping to the schedule. I know this is a huge disappointment for many. That’s why this decision wasn’t easy for anyone. However, well-designed improvements are in all of our interests.”


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