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Little Green Pharma focused on European expansion

Little Green Pharma CEO Paul Long says the Australian company has a big ambition to keep focusing on the European market. "We see significant growth opportunities there for us." The company has facilities in Australia and Europe. "A few years ago, we acquired a very large site in Europe of Canopy Growth, in Denmark."

According to Paul, their focus in Europe is on countries that prioritize quality. "Every market is very different, but in France, Italy, Denmark, and Poland, for example, there are stringent quality standards set by the regulatory bodies. At Little Green Pharma, we can meet those high-quality expectations. We've been supplying medical cannabis for the French pilot trials. Now that that is coming to a conclusion, there is a clear opportunity to roll into a regulatory framework for medical cannabis. We're well positioned to be one of the major players in that market," says Paul.

For more information:
Little Green Pharma
[email protected]

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