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AU: Cannatrek Technologies fined $99,000 for alleged breaches of the Narcotic Drugs Act

The Office of Drug Control (ODC) has issued six infringement notices totaling $99,000 to Queensland-based company Cannatrek Technologies Pty Ltd (Cannatrek) for alleged breaches of its medicinal cannabis license.

It is alleged that Cannatrek failed to meet its obligations under the Narcotic Drugs Act 1967 (the Act) to ensure it maintains a system of security at all times at the location where the activities authorized by its license are undertaken. This requirement helps prevent the illegal or unauthorized removal of cannabis plants or cannabis drugs.

License holders must understand and comply with their responsibilities under the Act and all license conditions.

Consequences for non-compliance with relevant laws include not only financial penalties but could also lead to civil or criminal proceedings being brought against those who fail to meet their requirements.


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