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US (MI): Testing lab recognised under U.S. hemp program

Michigan-based cannabis testing company, Viridis Laboratories, has been recognised by the National Industrial Hemp Council of America.
Viridis is now accredited to conduct tests on hemp products in a wide range of areas, including pesticides, heavy metals, potency, microbiology and residual solvents.

The NIHC recognition means Viridi meets internationally recognised standards that are accepted by regulators around the world; minimises risk while following the strictest industry safety and scientific standards; and, demonstrates a commitment to consumer and patient health and safety.

Viridis CEO Greg Michaud stated: “Viridis Laboratories is truly grateful to be recognized as a national leader in hemp testing and we look forward to serving our customers and business partners to ensure hemp products are safe and high quality.

“The National Industrial Hemp Council of America’s recognition of Viridis Laboratories is additional testament that our methods, processes and professional staff meet the highest standards for quality and consumer safety.”


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