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How are cannabis diseases and pests distributed across the U.S.?

We all know that cannabis is susceptible to a considerable number of diseases and pests. Yet historical restrictions have slowed research and limited understanding of disease and pest occurrences and distributions. A recent study conducted by the University of Kentucky was intended to determine the distribution and occurrence of common diseases and arthropod pests.

The study
A survey was distributed to state and university diagnostic laboratories, research and industry specialists, and Extension programs across the 48 continental states between July 2021 and June 2022. A total of 163 valid responses were collected, and 148 were included in the final dataset.

According to the results, all fungal diseases were reported in the Northeast and South regions with the most rainfall. Warm-season fungal diseases such as Southern blight were more prominent in the South, while cool-season diseases such as white mold were more prominent in the Northeast. Fewer diseases were reported in the arid Great Plains and West. Instead, more viral diseases were reported in the Great Plans and West than in other regions. Hop latent viroid was reported in all regions, although it was more prominent in the West and Great Plains, where more hops are grown.

Most arthropods in the survey were reported in all regions. Corn earworm was reported significantly more than other worms and moths, it was the most reported lepidopteran in all regions. The occurrence of borer species was higher in the Northeast, where forest cover is more dense than other regions. Tarnished plant bug was the most reported bug in all regions. Mites were reported in all regions, with more reports in the Northeast and South. Fire ants were reported in the West, Great Plains, and South, which include the warmer latitudes across the U.S.
