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Alabama medical cannabis license process under legal scrutiny

In the latest legal challenge, Alabama Always, LLC sued the Alabama Medical Cannabis Commission last week, claiming the Commission’s method of selecting medical cannabis licensees was unlawful. The suit, filed in Montgomery County Circuit Court, questioned the fairness and legality of the Commission’s licensing process under Alabama law.

Alabama Always, an applicant for an integrated medical cannabis license, contested specific sections of the Alabama Administrative Code. The plaintiff argued that these rules allow a minority of Commission members to exercise veto power over the majority in licensee selection, contradicting the principle of majority vote decision-making.

The lawsuit detailed the Commission’s voting procedure, which requires Commissioners to rank all applicants for integrated licenses. According to the plaintiff, this system enables a few Commissioners to exert disproportionate influence, effectively excluding applicants and allowing even a single commissioner to “blackball” an applicant.

Alabama Always argued that this approach violated the principle of majority rule and open discussion as mandated by the Alabama Administrative Procedure Act (AAPA). The company also asserted it was likely the sole applicant fulfilling all integrated license criteria and accused some Commissioners of attempting to block their licensure.


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