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US (SD): Cannabis grow center caught on fire, deemed total loss

A Brandon cannabis cultivation center caught on fire early yesterday morning, which resulted in a total loss of the interior of the building and all of their own product.

Around 5 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 14, Shangri-La Cultivation’s interior went up in flames, damaging their product and equipment, according to owner and CEO TJ Cameron. Although it is too early to know the full extent of the damages, Cameron said there was nearly a million dollars lost.

“I mean, it’s not burnt to the ground, but essentially it’s a total loss,” he said. “I’m basically out of business. We hope to recover, but it’s gonna not be a comfortable road.”

At this time, the exact cause of the fire and explosion is unknown, or which came first. Cameron said there was an ambient heater connected to a gas line that had fallen, and the fire department told Cameron their gas meter was uncontrollable. Cameron doesn’t know if the heater fell before or after the fire started.


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