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US: Hemp BioSciences receives full suite of industrial hemp licenses from Arizona

Weed Inc intends to expand into consumer packaged goods utilizing the Company’s Landrace strains including Original Panama Red, Acapulco Gold, Red Bud Colombian and Santa Marta Gold.

Nicole Marie Breen, COO of HEMP BioSciences Inc., said: “HEMP has been issued all required licenses for Industrial HEMP; Growing, Nursery, Harvester, Transporter and Processor licenses under Title 3-Chapter 2-Article 4.1 of The Arizona Department of Agriculture. With the renewal of our hemp licenses, we are now in the process of acquiring a cGMP certification to ensure the highest quality products, while protecting the public in this highly regulated industry. We believe HEMP’s CBD gummies, oils, cremes, tinctures, balms, both broad and full spectrum, will maximize the entourage effects under the strictest manufacturing processes globally.”

Jeffery Miller, CEO of HEMP BioSciences, adds: “Hemp is a botanical class of cannabis sativa cultivars belonging to the same plant species Cannabis Sativa L. Our hemp is carefully processed under supercritical CO2 extraction of hemp flowers. Our cGMP kitchen will provide a pure, clean complete extraction process that yields the maximum levels of hemp’s natural phenotypes with natural terpenes added for the perfect flavor and textures. This provides increased absorption, higher bioavailability and greater effectiveness for the consumer or patient."

“HEMP’s proprietary strains vary in phytochemical properties that contain no more than 0.3% THC in dried condition for sale under our current licensing,” Miller continued. “Our products are high in active phytonutrients and are grown, cultivated, harvested and processed in the USA. Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants in the family Cannabaceae…. Happy New Year!”

For more information:
Weed Inc.
1 S. Church Ave. Tucson, AZ 85701 USA
[email protected]

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