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"We export our greenhouses to more than twenty countries"

Andalusia is currently recording fantastic results in the international market, with a record 42.958 billion euros in exports in 2022, a 24.3% increase compared to the previous year and 8 billion more than in 2021, the latest record year. This has been achieved thanks to internationally successful companies like Sanjorge, a specialist in the manufacture of custom greenhouses and macro-tunnels.

Sanjorge, based in the municipality of Palos de la Frontera, in the Spanish province of Huelva, "was founded in 1989, initially setting up an agricultural industrial supply, repairing engines and pumps. This later evolved in 2000 into a larger company, devoted to the installation of irrigation facilities and the manufacture of greenhouses," says Rubén Ortiz, commercial director of the Huelva-based company, which focuses its expertise on the berry sector.

The company's success is based on two factors. Firstly, "we never stop researching in the R&D department because the means are constantly changing. There is an increasing lack of water, a changing climate, and research helps us stay a little ahead," says Ortiz. Another of the company's strengths is its ability "to adapt to meet the needs of our customers and the crops, reducing costs, staying a little ahead of the problems they may have," he says.

Sanjorge started its international journey more than a decade ago. "We began working abroad in 2010 with one of our clients in Tunisia. The company started its internationalization process then, and it has not stopped since," says the commercial director.

The Huelva-based company has made significant progress in this regard. "We have significantly increased our exports to the point that these account for over 25% of our turnover. Our main export markets are Portugal, Morocco, and Tunisia, but we export to many other countries," says Cristina del Pino, who specializes in the company's International Market Development area, which reaches almost twenty destinations worldwide.

This growth has also been a result of "hydroponics becoming one of our business lines, given its significant implementation. It's something that sets us apart from the competition," says Del Pino.

For more information:
Polígono Ind. San Jorge, naves 66-68
21810 Palos de la Frontera, Huelva. Spain
Tel.: +34 959 350 852
[email protected]

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