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US (IL): College of DuPage addresses growing industry demand with new cannabis certificate

Responding to the dynamic needs of the regional workforce, the College of DuPage recently developed a new Cannabis/Industrial Hemp Cultivation and Operations Certificate designed to educate and train students, bridging the skills gaps prevalent in the growing cannabis industry.

Launching in the spring of 2024, the 37-hour certificate program is tailored to equip students for entry-level and mid-level positions within the cannabis and hemp industry while also providing students with an in-depth exploration of hemp plant morphology and physiology, cannabis cultivation, and commerce regulations.

“The cannabis and hemp industries have seen substantial growth in the last five years, providing job seekers with lucrative opportunities in not only cultivation, retail, and extraction but in related fields such as accounting, marketing, and sales,” said COD Associate Horticulture Professor Brian Clement.

The Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that by 2025, the legal marijuana industry will support up to 1.75 million jobs in the United States, a more than fourfold increase, making it one of the fastest-growing occupations in the United States.


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