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Sign up for our daily Newsletter and stay up to date with all the latest news!

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New year, new us! MMJDaily is excited to kick off the new season with the launch of our revamped website. Our website is now more user-friendly, offering enhanced features for a better user experience.

In this new format, all photos on the homepage will be presented in the same format, providing a cohesive visual experience. The banners on the right side of the website have been standardized for a more consistent layout. Last but not least, and not to be overlooked, the Funny section is now located on the left side of the site below the exchange rates.

Another significant development is our decision to cease promoting our articles through social media. Instead, we place greater faith in the reach of our own newsletter.

MMJDaily sends out its newsletter daily to over 21,000 subscribers. When combined with our international publications and other horticulture newsletters, the global outreach is significantly expanded.

For inquiries, feedback, or advertising opportunities on this fresh new site, feel free to contact us.

We look forward to engaging with you in this revamped digital space!