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US (OK): New law introduces secret shoppers to regulate MMJ industry

A new law is in effect this week, with the goal of weeding out bad actors in the medical cannabis industry. One of the sponsors of HB3971, Rep. Josh West, said while he thinks lawmakers could be running bills on cannabis regulations for the next thirty years, his new law is specifically aimed at keeping Oklahomans safer based on what cannabis products they consume.

"Constituents, people in the industry, people outside of the industry, the average public, they wanted some checks and balances in place," the Representative from Grove said. One of those checks and balances, now law, is a bill creating a cannabis secret shopper system.

The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA) will have to send secret shoppers into at least fifty dispensaries a year to buy cannabis products and then test them in labs.

"Consumer safety is the biggest part of it," Rep. West said. "And we want to ensure that we are keeping the bad actors out. And so it's no different than what ABLE does when ABLE goes into a liquor store and ensures that they're following the law."


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