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Webinar, January 17:

Is the grass really greener? Law & policy primer for cannabis operators considering hemp

As the cannabis industry continues to evolve, cannabis operators and investors are turning their attention to the hemp market. To shed light on the complexities of hemp law and policy, a panel of experts will gather for an insightful discussion at the event titled "Is the Grass Really Greener? Law & Policy Primer for Cannabis Operators Considering Hemp."

Event details:

  • Date: January 17th, 2024
  • Time: 09:00am PT | 11:00am CT | 12:00pm ET

The event will explore the legal landscape of hemp following the de-scheduling of hemp by the 2018 Farm Bill. Many cannabis operators, seeking relief from overregulation, are eyeing hemp as an alternative market for intoxicating products. However, the unregulated interstate hemp market presents its own set of challenges and risks that operators need to navigate.

Key topics to be covered:

  • Current state of hemp law and policy
  • Potential risks and challenges in the hemp market
  • Practical perspectives for operators and their legal teams
  • Insights on navigating the unregulated interstate market


  • Jessica Wasserman - Partner at WassermanRowe
  • Neil Willner - Co-Chair Cannabis Practice Group at Royer Cooper Cohen Braunfeld LLC
  • Pamela Nicole Epstein - Chief Legal & Regulatory Officer at Terpene Belt, Inc.
  • Shawn Hauser - Partner at Vicente LLP

Attendees can expect a deep dive into the legal intricacies of hemp, with a focus on providing practical insights that can benefit both operators and their legal representatives.

"This event is a must-attend for cannabis operators, investors, and legal professionals seeking a comprehensive understanding of the current state of hemp law and policy," the organizers say.

Click here to register.

For more information:
International Cannabis Bar Association

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