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US (MN): Law enforcement, state regulators to meet over cannabis flower loophole in Minnesota cannabis law

A loophole in the state’s new recreational cannabis law allowing the sale of high-potency raw cannabis flowers to go unregulated will be the subject of a summit next week between regulators, law enforcement, and local government associations.

The state Office of Cannabis Management is convening the Jan. 11 meeting, along with hemp regulators at the state Department of Health, to discuss with sheriffs and police chiefs how best to respond to possible sales of cannabis in some registered hemp stores.

The meeting comes more than a month after it was reported that the new law passed last May did not include raw cannabis flower in the products that would be regulated by the Office of Medical Cannabis. That agency, under the state Department of Health, is charged with keeping an eye on the sale of hemp-derived edibles and beverages until a permanent Office of Cannabis Management is established.

But the problem comes from how the law describes the products the medical cannabis office regulates. Because it is assigned the regulation of products made from hemp and not the raw hemp flower itself, it has concluded that it has no jurisdiction over unprocessed raw flower.


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