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US (MD): Cannabis sales in December spiked to record $787.5M

Overall sales of cannabis in Maryland set a new monthly record to close out 2023, with nearly $96.5 million in combined purchases between the state’s medical and adult-use markets.

Recreational sales, which have set new records every month since the market opened in July, tallied more than $61.5 million in December, while medical sales came to just under $35 million—an uptick of more than a million dollars in purchases by patients from the month before, but notably less than typical medical cannabis sales prior to the opening of adult-use stores.

All told, the state saw $787.5 million worth of legal cannabis products sold in 2023—even with the recreational market launching halfway into the year.

The sales data is published by the Maryland Cannabis Administration (MCA), though the figures reported differ between two separate data polls that the MCA makes available. A 2023 sales report, for example, says December’s adult-use sales totaled $61,506,086.25, while a separate data dashboard shows $61,519,168 in recreational sales for the month.


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