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US (CO): Recalls increase for tainted cannabis, as the industry calls for a study

There's so much mold and fungus in the world that scientists believe people probably breathe a little in every day. But Colorado still doesn't want it in cannabis.

Last year, there was a sharp increase in health and safety advisories from the state's Marijuana Enforcement Division. The sweeping recall of products over the last year has led to frustration in an industry that has fallen on difficult economic times, as sales and prices have fallen. Growers believe the contamination thresholds are too low.

Recalls were rising before last year but expanded when the state began testing for a fungus called Aspergillus, which, in rare cases, can lead to death in immunocompromised cannabis users. Regulators said they were unaware of any deaths in Colorado. Colorado's regulators believe the danger of these contaminants outweighs the inconvenience to growers and stores.

The new testing requirements were part of an extensive public process, but Jeffery said they can potentially be adjusted. "The question as to whether our limits for Aspergillus are correct, and what we're testing for is correct, is ongoing."

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