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Panama awards licenses to manufacture medical cannabis products

The National Directorate of Pharmacy and Drugs of the Ministry of Health of Panama has published the final report of the Evaluation Commission that is in charge of reviewing the proposals of the companies interested in obtaining the license to manufacture medical cannabis derivatives. The report recommends 7 companies.

The companies and consortiums that complied with the requirements and obtained the highest score were firstly the Panamerican Cannabis Consortium, which complied with all the requirements and obtained a perfect score of 60 points out of a total of 60 points.

The institution also recommended the Green Med Consortium, which, according to the evaluations, met all the requirements and also obtained a score of 60 points out of a total of 60 points.

Another of them was Consorcio Tilray Panama, which received the third recommendation, complying with all the requirements and achieving a score of 55 points out of a total of 60 points, followed by Farma Verde Corp, which obtained a score of 50 points out of a total of 60 points.


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