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Minnesota cannabis regulators recommend fixes to legalization law

Minnesota regulators say the percentage of residents who report obtaining cannabis from unregulated sources remains significant as the state works to implement a legal market, and they’re recommending legislative fixes to speed up licensing to help consumers make the transition to a regulated system.

In a pair of reports that were released, the Minnesota Office of Cannabis Management (OCM) gave an overview of consumer and industry trends, as well as several policy recommendations for lawmakers to take into account in the 2024 session as the state’s market is built up. It also said Minnesota will need a minimum of 381 retail shops to comply with statute.

Many features of the legalization law that was enacted last year haven’t been implemented yet as regulators work through the rulemaking and licensing process, and so the initial reports still have some gaps that will be filled in after commercial sales launch. But the data offers a baseline that could help policymakers and stakeholders better understand and navigate the reform.

For example, with only a handful of tribally owned cannabis retailers operating in the state, the majority of residents who participated in the survey and reported obtaining cannabis in the past month said they were getting it from family and friends (67.6 percent), low-THC hemp shops (61.3 percent), an illicit seller (53.4 percent) and medical cannabis dispensaries (42.7 percent).

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