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CAN: Redecan given firm deadline to deal with odor issue

Redecan has been given a deadline to work with the Town of Pelham to mitigate odor issues, or the business could lose its site-specific zoning exemptions.

During a virtual conference held last Wednesday, Jan. 17, the Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) imposed a timeline on the Foss Road cannabis facility to provide the Town with requested information that is required as part of a settlement agreement.

Mayor Marvin Junkin said the outcome of the hearing gave “firm timelines to govern Redecan's interactions in the future."

“We are hopeful that this will lead to a more productive dynamic, but if it doesn’t, the ruling has clear consequences for Redecan,” Junkin said. “It is the hope that 2024 will be the start of a less confrontational approach to this matter.”

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