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US: NASDA pushes congress to triple THC limit for hemp

The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA) is calling on Congress to increase the THC limit for legal hemp as one of their 2024 policy priorities.

As lawmakers resume work on the next iteration of the Farm Bill, the group representing state agriculture officials in 50 states and four U.S. territories is aligning itself with hemp industry stakeholders, urging Congress to more than triple the THC threshold for hemp from the current limit of 0.3 percent THC by dry weight to 1 percent.

“Increasing the THC concentration to one percent would enable farmers to plant more seed varieties,” NASDA said in a one-pager describing its 2024 Farm Bill asks. “This action also retains limits on THC concentration while giving farmers greater assurance their crop will be viable.”

It’s one of five key policy areas for the legislation that the association says it will be focusing on this year. NASDA CEO Ted McKinney said in a press release on Monday that members “see urgent need for action in these areas to support farmers and ranchers in their ability to grow our nation’s food, fiber and fuel.”

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