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US (CA): Cannabis company acquires new distributor license

Rodedawg International Industries has acquired a new California cannabis distributor license in Coachella, California. Chris Swartz, CEO, states, "We are proud to inform our shareholders that since the completion of the acquisition of Parabola Mgmt., LLC, we have already started the acquisition and expansion of our cannabis license portfolio. We are especially proud to make this announcement as this is a first-quarter 2024 milestone that has happened within the timeline of the company roadmap. As we had previously stated, the acquisition of Parabola Mgmt. LLC included options to purchase additional licenses. We have moved quickly to complete the first purchase, and we will continue moving quickly toward expanding the company's revenues. We are confident that our strategically planned acquisitions and merger strategy for 2024 will increase 2024 revenues to meet and potentially exceed our stated goal of 7 million annually."

Mr. Swartz concludes, This is one of the many regular updates our shareholders can expect as we complete our 2024 roadmap milestones during this 1st Quarter 2024 that will lead to the significant increases to revenue growth. Once again, we continue to thank our loyal shareholders for their ongoing support as we create Rodedawg to become an industry leader in the licensed cannabis market."

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