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"The rulebook is over 500 pages long"

Colorado cannabis industry thinks it's time for looser rules

It's been a bumpy road for Colorado cannabis businesses over the past couple of years as prices drop and competition increases and owners think it's time to revisit a handful of significant rules.

"Colorado was the nation's first state to legalize both medical and adult use. The first-ever regulatory model got a lot of things right, but it needs some critical updates," says Truman Bradley, executive director of Marijuana Industry Group. "It's still important to prioritize public safety, but after a decade of legal sales, it's time to look at some agnostic laws and rules that just don't make sense."

One of Colorado's largest cannabis trade groups, MIG, has convinced state senators Kevin Van Winkle and Julie Gonzales, as well as Representative William Lindstedt, to sponsor a bill that would "streamline" certain cannabis business regulations, according to Bradley, including recordkeeping, hiring practices, and license renewal. However, it would also remove more recent rules implemented by the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division, such as aspergillus mold testing and an upcoming labeling requirement for THC products that are made with remediated cannabis.

Introduced on January 22, Senate Bill 24-076 isn't the longest cannabis bill lawmakers have ever seen, but it could be one of the more impactful. On top of new business regulations and looser testing rules, SB 076 would allow dispensaries to sell consumable items that are not infused with THC, CBD, or other extracted cannabinoids, such as Gatorade, chips, and frozen food (but not alcohol or tobacco). The measure would also extend cannabis licensure from one year to two while keeping the fees the same.

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