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Sercom celebrates its 40th anniversary

On January 23, Sercom celebrated its 40th anniversary. This was done in the presence of the entire staff, many Sercom dealers, family, and friends.

A small preview of the festivities had already occurred during the Mechanization Exhibition in Vijfhuizen, which took place in January. Sercom, as it has for many years, participated in the event. "At our stand, we introduced the new software platform CANalytics, and our visitors were treated to delicious pastries," shared director Jan-Willem Lut.

Jan-Willem commemorated how Sercom delivered its first process computer in 1985 to the Wim Prins company in Anna Paulowna, which he said underscored the durability and timelessness of Sercom's products. "This computer is one of many completely updated to meet current standards. This means that the first computer delivered 39 years ago has the same software and options as the computers that will be shipped from Sercom in 2024."

Sercom celebrates its 40th anniversary with the entire staff, Sercom dealers, family, and friends.

In recent years, Sercom developed the Wireless Xtender, which enables the central computer to establish wireless communication with the local field stations within a range of up to five kilometers.

CloudVision (APP) is the new software that, thanks to the new processor board, can access the computer through the internet without the need for a PC, and it also provides the option to operate and view it using a tablet or mobile phone.

As mentioned, the dashboard software platform CANalytics, introduced in January, provides comprehensive insights. "Besides the data generated from the Sercom process computer, it can also display information from third parties, such as energy management, inventory management, (wireless) sensors, and irrigation options."

In addition to greenhouse horticulture, Sercom is highly involved in the storage of flower bulbs, potatoes, and onions, as well as in the outdoor cultivation of fruit and young trees and in vineyards.

For more information:
Heereweg 9
2161 AB Lisse
Tel.: +31 (0)252 416530
[email protected]

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