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US (ME): "Our canopy space went from 1,000 to 2,000 sq. ft."

"We take our love and pride for this plant and really want to manifest that in all our business practices. We strive to curate a menu of unique cultivars and unique terpene expressions," says Dan Cellucci, Owner of Yani Cannabis, in a recent video by Montel.

Why did Yani Cannabis take their operation vertical? "We found this building that has a lot of space, but the main warehouse is about 30 ft tall. Yet we were able to look at that space differently and grow upwards," says Dan. "So our canopy space went from a 1,000 sq. ft. grow room to 2,000 sq. ft."

The company uses the Montel vertical racks. "We've been able to really maximize our square footage with our license. At the same time, going vertical has also allowed us to run the operation more sustainably and produce at a level that allows us to compete in this new market."

In the future, adding a new layer is a possibility. "Our racks are now 2-tier, but if we ever decided to go up higher, we can take the ceiling off and add another tier," Dan adds.

For more information:

Yani Cannabis