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US (OK): MMJ grows are suing over safety inspection requirements

Medical marijuana grows in Oklahoma have been told time is up to get in compliance with fire and building codes. The Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs Control is now refusing to renew their registrations unless they submit proof they have passed inspection.

Three manufacturers sued on January 29 after they were given 30 days to request administrative hearings to produce the required paperwork.

The bureau sent letters on January 19 to 2,176 marijuana businesses, according to the lawsuit. The marijuana grows complained that the state fire marshal's office can't keep up with inspections through no fault of its own.

Suing are Lucky Rhino Farms, which is in Pittsburg County, and two other grows. Their lawsuit is asking an Oklahoma County judge to order the bureau not to penalize grows over the issue until the state fire marshal clears the backlog.

A hearing on the lawsuit is set for April 4.


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