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AgriData Innovations secures investment:

"Expanding deployment of cameras in CEA"

With their AI-powered crop monitoring technology for greenhouses, AgriData Innovations helps growers improve their cultivation. Now, the Dutch company has closed a follow-up investment round from their existing investors. "These further resources enable us to accelerate market expansion and further develop our camera systems and computer vision software," says William Simmonds, who founded the company together with Lucien Fesselet. They say this news signifies the growing industry confidence in ADI's ability to transform horticulture through data-driven insights.

Pim van Geest, William Simmonds, and Anna Zsoldos at the 2024 Fruit Logistica

"Traditional farming methods often rely on intuition and a handful of expert individuals. This leads to inefficiencies, potential losses, and a challenge to scale. ADI solves this by providing camera systems and AI software that capture and analyze crop data in real-time", Pim van Geest explains.

This allows farmers to optimize cultivation strategies by gaining insights into plant health, growth rates, and potential issues like pests and diseases. Growers can also save on labor costs as tedious tasks like measuring, counting, and scouting can be automated, freeing up time for other critical activities. Furthermore, harvest predictions can be improved, as data-driven cultivation enables better yields and more accurate harvest forecasts.

Across Europe, ADI's technology empowers diverse growers, from ornamental flower producers to vegetable breeders and vertical farm operators, to cultivate fresh herbs. With this new investment, ADI plans to scale up operations. "We're hiring skilled engineers to deploy more systems, support wider adoption, and we are looking to expand into new markets," says Pim. Thanks to this new investment round, the technology development can be accelerated, as the team wants to advance their AI and image analysis capabilities to unlock new applications and benefits for growers and breeders.

ADI's mission is to empower growers and breeders with data-driven tools for sustainable and efficient crop management. "This investment fuels our journey to revolutionize horticulture, creating a future where every grower can benefit from the power of cameras, computer vision, and real-time insights," says William.

For more information:
AgriData Innovations
Molengraaffsingel 12
2629 JD, Delft
Tel: +31 (0)6 13295513
[email protected]

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