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BFG Supply selects Relex Solutions to improve demand forecasting and operations planning

BFG Supply has selected RELEX Solutions to elevate their demand forecasting capabilities.

Chris DeMeester, CIO of BFG Supply, said, “As we expand, it’s crucial to have a robust and scalable supply chain platform that aligns with our growth strategy. The RELEX machine-learning forecasting solution stands out for its ease of use, configurability, and transparent output. It’s precisely what we need to support our strategic objectives.”

Keith Adams, Senior Vice President for North America at RELEX Solutions, commented, “Our experience with the unique demands of the green industry makes us a perfect fit for BFG Supply Co., a company with over half a century of expertise in gardening and plant life. They required a solution that is more than a ‘Black Box’ – something they can understand, work with, and trust. We are thrilled to provide them with such a solution.”

“RetSci brings deep experience with demand planning and data science to every engagement. Combining that expertise with RELEX has become a powerful growth tool for retailers and wholesalers alike. We look forward to seeing the forecast accuracy and process improvements help BFG optimize their inventory and meet customers’ needs very soon”, said Bill Zacher, COO of RetSci.

For more information:
BFG Supply

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