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US (NY): State allows home-grown rules and begins issuing retail licenses

Cultivating cannabis plants at home for personal use will become legal in New York this spring — more than three years after the state legalized recreational cannabis.

While the Marijuana Regulation & Taxation Act, signed into law by then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo, on March 31, 2021, legalized limited home cultivation of cannabis for personal use; the law did not allow home growing until the Cannabis Control Board adopted regulations authorizing it.

Home-grow regulations were approved by the Cannabis Control Board at its meeting Friday. But the regulations will not take effect until after a 60-day comment period, which will begin with publication of the proposed regulations in the N.Y. State Register.

The Cannabis Control Board adopted regulations last year allowing individuals with medical cannabis cards and their caregivers to grow their own plants at home. The proposed rules for non-medical home cultivation closely track the medical cannabis home-grow regulations adopted last year, John Kagia, policy director for the Office of Cannabis Management, said.


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