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US (NM): Lawmakers aim to tighten up cannabis regulations

Many lawmakers wanted to clean up and clarify our cannabis industry laws this session. They did that in large part by passing a massive bill still waiting on the governor’s approval.

“That’s exactly what we’ve seen as these cannabis products have become more and more available. We see more exposures in children, and the result of that is we’ve had more reports to our poison centers across the nation,” said Dr. Joseph Lambson, director of the New Mexico Poison and Drug Information Center.

That’s why New Mexico lawmakers recently aimed to tighten up state cannabis regulations. One effort was to put a stop to misleading packaging like edible cannabis made to look like snacks for kids. Democratic Rep. Andrea Romero was a co-sponsor on that bill.

“Should the governor sign this into law, we just wanted to make clear, crystal clear, what is allowed and what isn’t allowed,” said Romero. Part of Senate Bill 6 tries to fight back against colorful, enticing packaging, saying it “shall not mimic the brand, design, name, logo, or colorway of a non-cannabis consumer product marketed to children.”


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