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in 30 kg gear

Hort suppliers run for charity

Once again Genesis Horticultural Solutions Director (Tony Bundock) and his fire brigade colleagues are rolling up their sleeves to run in the Melbourne Australia Royal Children's Hospital - Run For The Kids event on Sunday March 17. The team are repeating their previous performances from last two years of completing the course in their 'Running Fire Engine'.

The fire engine itself does have a vague horticultural connection - it is built out of plastic irrigation pipe - and covered in printed shade cloth, but still has an overall weight of around 30kg - so not exactly a feather! "Doing the run in the fire engine certainly takes the notion of a team event to another level!." said Tony.

Whilst the fire engine itself doesn't have a great deal of water holding capacity (that's mostly consumed by the team during the run!) It does have flashing red and blue lights and horns to alert unsuspecting runners on the course - Imagine the embarrassment of being run over by a fire engine on a charity run!

This year's team will be made up of Tony Bundock, Karen Bundock (long suffering wife of TB), Anthony Jones and Tim Obourne.

All four are volunteer firefighters with Country Fire Authority at the Narre Warren Fire Station. Last year they made the six o'clock TV news on all the Australian channels so there is a high likelihood they will do the same this year.

If you want to run with the team feel free, (although we can understand why you may decline this invitation!) or alternatively you can help them with their $2000 fund raising target!

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